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Assheuer + Pott GmbH & Co. KG
Talweg 11 · 59846 Sundern, Allemagne
Téléphone +49 (0) 2933 / 9735-0
Fax +49 (0) 2933 / 9735-35

Authorised representatives:

Bastian Georg Becker · Johannes Becker

Registration court:

HR A1179 Arnsberg

Tax number:

303 58 01 00 33

Sales tax identification number in accordance with Section 27 a of the Sales Tax Act:

DE 123 882 932

Legally responsible for content according to § 6 MDStV:

Bastian Georg Becker · Johannes Becker


The content offered for download, especially texts, photos, graphics, as well as the design, are subject to copyright protection and other protective laws. Reproduction, even in part, must be approved in writing exclusively by Assheuer + Pott GmbH & Co. KG.